File #: PC25-0022    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Site Plan & Architectural Review Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/19/2025 In control: Plan Commission
On agenda: 3/26/2025 Final action:
Title: Minor Site Plan & Architectural Review - 2000 S. West Avenue - Walmart backup generator - A request from Walmart to approve the placement of a backup generator including switchgear and transformer, at the rear of the store along the north lot line near existing landscaping, at 2000 S West Avenue in the B-5 Community Business Zoning District.
Attachments: 1. Cover Sheet - Walmart minor spar, 2. APPL_PC Development Review Application - 010125 - Signed, 3. City Department Review Comments - Walmart generator project, 4. RV_WM_Store_1635_Rev3_02-12-2025_PERMITTING_Signed
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