This item was originally brought to Buildings & Grounds Committee back on July 18, 2016. The committee held the item twice and requested it to be on the November 14, 2016 agenda in order to have Ald. Jankowski present to speak to it.
This referral was made by Ald. Jankowski. This item was brought forward for consideration after a brief discussion at the last Buildings & Grounds committee meeting. It was expressed that alternate side parking might elevate issues with parking on one side of the street and would help with snow plowing in the winter. Staff has not fully reviewed this item and can only offer anecdotal commentary at this time. We note that other cities have gone away from alternate side parking. It would take significant police resources to patrol such a change. Some areas in the city, such as downtown, would be significantly impacted by such a change and likely not feasible at all. It is hard to quantify the level of impacts of a city wide change to alternate parking, good or bad, and we would need to solicit parking consultant expertise to study such a change. Without resources dedicated to policing alternate side parking, very likely many residents will ignore the change and cause more parking issues. The financial impacts of making a City Wide alternate side parking designation is unknown at this time and would need significant study to acquire this information. No funding is currently available for such a study. Staff recommends no action be taken on this item and that it be removed from further consideration.