Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 9/16/2014 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers, City Hall Use lower level glass door.
Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID#14-1104 1A. MinutesApproval of Minutes for September 2, 2014   Action details Not available
PC14-0099 1A. Pud AmendmentPublic Hearing - Turnberry Reserve Condominiums, Northview Road and Hwy. TT (Meadowbrook) - Site Plan and Revised PUD Agreement Action to be taken by the Common Council following the Public Hearing.approvedPass Roll call Video Video
PC14-0099 1A. Pud AmendmentPublic Hearing - Turnberry Reserve Condominiums, Northview Road and Hwy. TT (Meadowbrook) - Site Plan and Revised PUD Agreement Action to be taken by the Common Council following the Public Hearing.approvedPass Action details Video Video
PC14-0099 1A. Pud AmendmentPublic Hearing - Turnberry Reserve Condominiums, Northview Road and Hwy. TT (Meadowbrook) - Site Plan and Revised PUD Agreement Action to be taken by the Common Council following the Public Hearing.approvedPass Action details Video Video
ID#14-0730 1A. Discussion and RecommendationAmend Municipal Code sections 4.10 and 23.08 regarding impact fees and dedication of lands for parks and open space. First Reading 12-2-14 Second and Third Readings waived by Ald. Johnson 11-24-14.   Action details Video Video
ID#14-1077 1B. Business itemPublic Art Unveiling Invitation   Action details Video Video
ID#14-1106 1C. Business itemDiscuss and adopt a resolution certifying to Waukesha County that the City’s library tax levy will exceed the minimum amount required for the City to be exempted from the County’s library tax.approvedPass Action details Video Video
ID#14-0976 1A. Discussion and RecommendationApproval of Resolution Supporting the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Request to Transfer Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Funds from the Federal Highway Administration to the Federal Transit Administration on behalf of the City of Waukesha. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has awarded the City of Waukesha CMAQ funds that will cover 80% of the cost of four replacement buses. This resolution formally recongizes the City's support of WisDOT making the funds available for the purchase of the replacement buses (R#54-14)   Action details Not available
ID#14-0977 1B. Discussion and RecommendationApproval of Option Year 1 of Snow Removal Services at the Transit Center Bid to Jake's Landscape Services, Inc. In 2013, a bid for 1 year with two 1 year options was conducted for snow removal service at the Transit Center. Jake's Landscaping Services, Inc. was the low bid of $20,090.00 for each year. Transit staff is recommending approval of the Year 1 option at a cost of $20,090.00 effective November 21, 2014 - November 20, 2015.    Action details Not available
ID#14-0889 1A. Business itemZoning Code Modification – Amend Section 22.56(2), ‘Setback Averaging,’ so it no longer mandates that residential homes must be set back further from the street than the Zoning Code normally requires if they are located next to other homes that are set back further from the street than required.   Action details Not available
PC14 -0106 1B. Certified Survey MapFutura II (Griffin Ford), 1940 E. Main Street - Certified Survey Map   Action details Not available
ID#14-0861 11. Business itemReview and act on a request to recommend that the Common Council approve a budget amendment to facilitate a 21st Century Community Learning Center grant award of $50,000 for the 2014-2015 Hawthorne Elementary School.   Action details Not available
ID#14-0859 12. Business itemReview and act on a request to approve 2015 Professional Services - Non bid request (Include 2014 Audit, Insurance & Banking Services)   Action details Not available
ID#14-1004 13. Business itemReview and act on a request to recommend that the Common Council approve a payment to the Town of Waukesha in the amount of $62,256.36 for the payment of five (5) years of taxes for property annexed into the City as required by 66.0214(14) Wis. Stats.   Action details Not available
ID#14-1009 1A. LicenseBartender Applications   Action details Not available
ID#14-1090 1B. LicenseInvited Bartender - Paula Weeks   Action details Not available
ID#14-1008 1C. LicenseINVITED Applications for licenses ending June 30, 2015, considered by Ordinance & License Committee on September 8, 2015.   Action details Not available
ID#14-1010 1D. LicenseApplications for licenses ending June 30, 2015, considered by Ordinance and License Committee on September 8, 2015.   Action details Not available
ID#14-1091 1E. LicenseCatholic Memorial High School Mother's Club   Action details Not available
ID#14-0741 1A. Discussion and RecommendationAmended code sections 2.01, 3.06, and 3.08 regarding the appointing authority of Directors and Managers from the Mayor to the City Administrator First Reading 10-21-14 Second Reading 11-06-14 Third Reading 11-18-14   Action details Not available
ID#14-0829 1B. Business itemReview and act on job description for City Administrator    Action details Not available
ID#14-0996 11. Discussion and RecommendationAmendment of Municipal Code Section 29.10(5), Credit Meters (Wastewater Treatment Plant)   Action details Not available
ID#14-1107 1A. Board of Public Works ReportApprove Contract and give Mayor authorization to execute the contract with Amano McGann the Vendor for Parking Access and Revenue Control System for the South Street and Transit Center Parking RampsapprovedPass Action details Video Video
ID#14-1102 1  City Administrator ReportCity Administrator's Report 9-16-14   Action details Video Video
ID#14-0999 1A. Mayor's ReportMayor's Summary of Meetings and/or Events   Action details Not available