| 1 | | | Minutes | Minutes of December 18, 2024 | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Minutes | Minutes of January 15, 2025 | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Site Plan & Architectural Review | Minor Site Plan & Architectural Review - 1830 S. West Avenue, WEC
Waukesha Service Center, A request from WEC Energy Group to approve improvements to the Waukesha Service Center including partial elevation updates to the south and east elevations at 1830 S West Avenue in the M-2 General Manufacturing District.
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Not available
| 1 | | | Certified Survey Map | Certified Survey Map – 704 N. Grand Avenue – A request from KEBB CS-WA LLC. to approve a 1-lot CSM over 0.860 acres of land in anticipation of the future development of a new Cobblestone Hotel at the northwest corner of N. Grand Avenue and Wisconsin Avenue. | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | VII. | | Conditional Use Permit | Conditional Use Permit - 1501 Delafield Street, Elegant Hair LLC. – A request for a conditional use permit to operate a hair salon at 1501 Delafield Street in the Rs-3 Single Family District. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Conditional Use Permit | Conditional Use Permit - 1501 Delafield Street, Elegant Hair LLC. – A request for a conditional use permit to operate a hair salon at 1501 Delafield Street in the Rs-3 Single Family District. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Consultation | Consultation – River Road and Rapids Trail – Residential Duplex Development – A request from Bielinski Homes to discuss a conceptual plan for a 12-duplex development on 4.87 acres of land south of the intersection of River Road and Saylesville Road. This property is currently zoned B-5 Community Business District. | | |
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| 1 | | | Consultation | Consultation – Harris Highland Drive, Harris Highland Apartments, - A request to discuss a potential 120-unit apartment project comprised of 3 multi-story buildings on approximately 4.9 acres of land south of Harris Highland Drive, currently zoned T-1 Temporary District. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Site Plan & Architectural Review | Final Site Plan & Architectural Review – 1641 Woodburn Road, Waukesha County Salt Shed Replacement - A request from Waukesha County to approve plans to replace a salt shed that collapsed at 1641 Woodburn Road in the I-1 Institutional District | | |
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| 1 | | | Site Plan & Architectural Review | Final Site Plan & Architectural Review - 2132 S. West Avenue, – Bliffert Lumber and Hardware – A request to approve final site plan and architectural review for a 10,200 sq. ft. addition to the existing warehouse at 2132 S West Avenue in the M-2 General Manufacturing District. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Business item | Sign Appeals & Variances, 717 N. East Avenue - A request from Catholic Charities to replace a detached monument sign at 717 N. East Avenue in the B-2 Central Business District. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Action Item | Rezoning petition for Waukesha Water Utility Operations Center, Chapman Road, TK #1332001008 – A request from the Waukesha Water Utility to rezone approximately 11.09 acres of land along the north side of Chapman Drive from M-3 Limited Business and Industrial Park to I-1 Institutional District in anticipation of a new operations center. | | |
Not available