17. Mayor’s Report & Referrals
18. Referrals
19. Closed Session
A motion will be made pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes §19.85(1)(e) to
discuss the sale of .15 acres of City owned property at the corner of Buena Vista and
Pewaukee Rd., tax key 1000-071. There is currently an offer to purchase, and the City
is considering a counter offer.
A motion will be made pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes §19.85(1)(e) to
discuss the sale of .15 acres of City owned property at the corner of Buena
Vista and Pewaukee Rd., tax key 1000-071. There is currently an offer to
purchase, and the City is considering a counter offer.
Legislative History
20. Reconvene in Open Session
City Council
Upon conclusion of the closed session, a motion will be made to reconvene in open
session, pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(2) for possible discussion and/or action on
matters discussed in closed session.
Possible discussion and/or action on matters discussed in closed
Legislative History
City Council
21. Adjournment
Shawn Reilly, Mayor
City of Waukesha
NOTICE: Any person who has a qualifying disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act that requires that the
meeting be accessible or that materials at the meeting be in an accessible format, please contact the Public
Works department, 48 hours prior to the meeting at 524-3600 or by the Wisconsin Telecommunications Relay
System so that arrangements may be made to accommodate the request. Attend this meeting in person or watch
always be available).