Road to Sussex Lane, Waukesha, WI. The motion carried by the following vote:
5 - Steve Kassens, Chad O'Donnell, Kevin Reilly, Eric E. Payne and Joe Pieper
Public Hearing:
Christine Garlock, 3017 and 3025 Silvernail Road - Spoke requesting assistance for
grants or anything to help with the expense due to their annexation.
Katti Pudleiner, 3033 Silvernail Road - Spoke requesting financial assistance.
Mike Plumber, 2927 Silvernail Road - Spoke in opposition to the special assessment of
sanitary sewer along Silvernail Road.
Mike Mallory, 3005 Silvernail Road - Spoke in opposition to the special assessment of
sanitary sewer along Silvernail Road.
Dakota Gardipee, 3009 Silvernail Road - Spoke in opposition of the special assessment
of sanitary sewer along Silvernail Road.
A motion was made by Ald. Eric Payne, seconded by Ald. Joe Pieper, to close
the public hearing at 6:27 p.m. for the installation of Sanitary Sewer along
Silvernail Road from STH 318/Meadowbrook Road to Sussex Lane, Waukesha,
WI. The motion carried by the following vote:
5 - Steve Kassens, Chad O'Donnell, Kevin Reilly, Eric E. Payne and Joe Pieper
Resolution relating to the special assessment for the installation of Sanitary
Sewer along Silvernail Road from STH 318/Meadowbrook Road to Sussex
Public Works
A motion was made by Ald. Joe Pieper, seconded by Ald. Eric Payne, that the
installation of sanitary sewer along Silvernail Road from STH 318/Meadowbrook
Road to Sussex Lane be recommended for approval for $17,711.76 (per address)
for the assessment rate of 2% for 15 years. The motion carried by the following
5 - Steve Kassens, Chad O'Donnell, Kevin Reilly, Eric E. Payne and Joe Pieper
7. Bids Received:
Bids Received: Friday, February 28, 2025, at 11:00 a.m.
Concrete Pavement Patching and Concrete Sawing - City-Wide
The Board of Public Works recommends that the low bid from Wandel
Contractors in the amount of $681,597.50 be awarded.
Public Works
A motion was made by Ald. Eric Payne, seconded by Member Kevin Reilly, that